
Articles & Information – Audiology, Hearing Disorders, Hearing Aids, etc.

The Best Guide to Hearing Loss


What are the main Hearing Loss Symptoms

Many early signs of hearing loss relate to hearing the spoken word. That’s because speech is very specific, with certain sounds that tend to “blur out” depending upon the frequency. (Higher-pitched sounds like a child’s voice might be lost, for example, while bass tones like rumbling traffic may be easier for you to detect.)

Another reason is that we find speech so valuable. Words are how we express ourselves and understand others. In fact, for many people, the motivation for getting checked for hearing loss starts with not being able to clearly understand loved ones.

Here are common symptoms of early hearing loss. You may experience only one or two, or you may have most of them. Everyone is different.

  • A sense that people “talk too fast” for you to catch all the words
  • A muffled sensation in the ears
  • Sudden onset of tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Not hearing household sounds, such as a dripping faucet or phone text alerts
  • Others around you complaining that the TV is too loud
  • Difficulty hearing others on the phone
  • Frequently asking others to repeat what they’ve said
  • Having trouble making out the speech of women and children (higher voices/frequency)
  • Having a “favorite” ear and turning your head so that ear is facing sound/voices
  • Avoidance of social situations because it’s difficult for you to make out what people are saying

What are the common causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have some surprising causes. It can also accumulate over time so that you don’t even notice it’s happening. It’s only when you have significant symptoms that you realize something may be amiss.

Any of these can cause mild, moderate or severe hearing loss:

  • Direct injury to the ear
  • Some types of brain injury
  • A history of exposing yourself to high levels of noise (about 80 dB or above)
  • Working in or next to a very noisy environment
  • Some viral or bacterial illnesses (meningitis, shingles or measles, for example)
  • For some, the aging process
  • Tumors inside the ear
  • Certain medications
  • Heredity
  • Obesity or underweight (note: correlation v. causation has not been determined)
  • Stroke
  • An excessively high fever
  • Smoking (note: correlation v. causation has not been determined)
  • Cardiovascular disease

What are the Degrees of hearing loss

Degrees of Hearing loss


What are the Tests available for Hearing Loss

One thing that puts people off from investigating mild hearing loss is that they’re nervous about taking tests. Actually, initial hearing loss tests tend to be entirely non-invasive and comfortable. But they’re essential so your doctor has the information she needs to help you.

  • Tuning Fork Testing: The specialist uses a two-pronged tuning fork which produces sounds when struck. Depending upon your reactions, the specialist may be able to determine not only hearing loss itself, but where it’s occurring in your ear.
  • Audiometer: In this test, you wear a special set of headphones. You raise your hand on the side you’re hearing a sound. The volume and frequency will change so the specialist can determine how severe your hearing loss is, and how loud/soft or high/low-pitched you can currently hear.
  • Sound Booth Test: You sit inside a booth that’s equipped with speakers coming from different areas – behind you, in front of you, high up or near the floor. You lift your hand whenever you hear a sound. Sound booths are more often used for infants and young children, as their heads will turn toward the sound.
  • Speech Audiometry Test: Because hearing loss is often first detected by difficulty hearing human speech, this test uses recordings of different spoken words. You listen and try to repeat the word. This test can detect even very low levels of hearing loss. You may hear “that” instead of “this,” for example, because the “s” and “i” are high-frequency sounds that are more sensitive for your ears to detect.
  • Ultrasound or x-ray: If your hearing specialist suspects a malformation of the bones of the ear, she may give you one of these in order to take a look inside.
  • Tympanometry: A comfortable plug that’s placed in the ear creates various pressures. The eardrum response is then measured.

What are the Treatments for Hearing Loss

There are so many treatments for hearing loss today that we won’t list them all. Consult your doctor, as testing for hearing loss improves all the time.

Here are a few of the most common treatments:

  • Medical treatment: If the cause of your hearing loss is physical, your doctor or Audiologist may or may not be able to treat you medically. This can include removing ear wax or ear fluid, prescribing antibiotics or hay fever medications, or in rarer cases, surgery.
  • Hearing aids: Hearing aids are most often used for moderate to severe hearing loss. Depending upon the type of hearing loss you have, the increase in volume may make you better able to hear sounds and voices.
  • Hearing amplification devices: These are often available over-the-counter. They boost volume in some forms of mild to low-moderate hearing loss.
  • Assisted hearing devices: These may include special phones, doorbells, the TV, and special visual alerts.
  • Cochlear implants: Implants only work for certain people, and amplify but may not clarify sounds. They are typically used for people with specific types of severe hearing loss.

How to prevent or slowing the progression of Hearing Loss

It’s not always possible to prevent hearing loss. Some forms are congenital. Others tend to progress even with treatment. But there are ways to help minimize the issue and possibly prevent further hearing loss. Here are things you should do:

  • Wear quality earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones when in noisy areas, such as road construction or at loud music concerts
  • If you work in an environment that’s very loud (factory, lawn maintenance, etc.), wear sound-blocking headphones at all times
  • Adjust the music in your earbuds or earphones to a lower level
  • See your doctor or Audiologist regularly for basic hearing tests
  • If there are others in your family who have suffered hearing loss, ask when it started and what they do for it; this information can greatly help your doctor
  • NEVER insert any sharp, long or hard object into your ear (for example, Q-tips)
  • Don’t attempt to remove a foreign object from your own ear; see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Treat bacterial or viral illnesses quickly, per your doctor’s instructions

Source: The Ultimate Guide to Hearing Loss: https://besthearinghealth.com/hearing-loss/


What is an Audiologist ?

An audiologist is a professional who specializes in the testing of hearing.

Audiologists also function as hearing-aid providers, but not all hearing-aid providers are audiologists. An audiologist is the professional who specializes in evaluating and treating people with hearing loss. Audiologist have extensive training and skills to evaluate the hearing of adults, infants and children of all ages and is a professional specifically trained in all non-medical aspects of hearing impairment. He or she must earn at least a master degree, or a Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree to practice the profession of Audiology and are committed to improving and helping people of all ages hear well.

Licensed audiologists have received extensive education and experience in regards to hearing disorders and impairment. They hold masters or doctoral degrees from accredited universities and have received special training in assessing, identifying, and treating hearing disorders. They must also complete a full-time internship, and passed a challenging national competency examination. Licensure requirements may vary from state to state.

Audiologist are health professional, who have been trained through significant clinical work and education to assess, diagnose, test for, and help people compensate for hearing problems. When hearing problems are diagnosed, they may help people cope with such problems, or make recommendations for medical treatment that could end or address these problems.

Audiologists provide diagnostic evaluations and counseling for functional hearing loss or pseudohypacusis and are also involved in the treatment of persons with balance disorders. Audiologists may also recommend assistive listening devices such as alerting systems, or counsel the patient regarding the appropriateness of cochlear implants. Audiologists are experts at helping people with hearing problems but they do not prescribe medication or perform surgery. They are professionally certified and carry state licensure to practice audiology and to fit and dispense hearing aids. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists can be found through hospitals, universities, and clinics. Audiologists perform real ear measurements (computer test) to ensure appropriate hearing aid performance. The goal is to make soft speech audible, loud sounds not uncomfortable and not distort at loud levels while providing a broad frequency range for more natural sound.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1755760

The Best Audiologists

Audiologists are professionals specializing in researching, diagnosing and treating problems associated with the ears, particularly auditory problems and vestibular problems. The vestibular system of the ear is involved with balance while the auditory system determines how well you can hear.

Education for Audiologists

In the United States, audiologists have a doctoral degree, or PhD, in audiology and must pass rigorous testing before they are licensed to practice. Audiologists also serve several months to a year as an intern in order to complete the education they received in the classroom. They are trained to do a variety of complex and lengthy tests to determine the severity of hearing loss and any potential balance problems that may be related to the ear canal. Most audiologists are members of the American Board of Audiology.

While an audiologist can not do surgery or prescribe certain medications, he or she can do hearing tests on infants, children, adults and the elderly. Based on test results, the audiologist can determine whether there is hearing loss, how profound that loss is and whether the problem can be corrected by hearing aids or other means. In many cases, your audiologist can recommend the right type of hearing aid for your hearing loss. He or she can also recommend other devices such as amplified telephones that may make your life easier. If there is a medical problem to be treated, which happens in about 10 percent of hearing losses, the audiologist will refer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

When your hearing aid arrives, your audiologist will carefully adjust it to fit properly and give you the best combination of sound amplification and clarity. He or she will walk you through the proper care and use of your hearing aid and will be available to answer any questions you might have after you’ve gone home with your new hearing aids.

Many people are disturbed to learn they have substantial hearing loss. Fortunately, audiologists are also trained to counsel their patients and family members. They help them come to terms with their limitations and supporting them throughout the adjustment period. They can also explain the situation to family members and give them tools to help their loved one adjust to any hearing problems they may have.

Outside the Audiologist’s Office

Not all audiologists work at a hearing clinic or in a doctor’s office. Some focus on testing and do routine hearing tests on children at the grade school level or specialize in infant hearing loss. Others may travel to various job sites in order to evaluate the potential for hearing damage and recommend Hearing Safety Programs to job managers as a way to prevent future hearing damage to employees.

Research audiologists spend their days looking for ways to improve our current sound amplification devices from hearing aids to sound attenuation earmuffs for pilots. Although you may not see these researchers, they contribute a great deal to advancing the technologies that restore hearing to millions.

Audiologists are experts at explaining the details of hearing loss and how to use hearing aids. When you are at your audiology appointment, don’t forget to ask questions. A good audiologist will take the time to explain all procedures clearly and will give you the reassurance you need during any tests or procedures.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3086496

What are the Most Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss ?

If you’re having problems hearing, you’re not alone. Many people in the USA experiences some form of hearing loss, so it’s important to book a hearing test. Your ears might be fine, but it’s worth getting examined in case the problem gets worse.

You might have a hearing problem if you do some of the following:

You avoid social settings

If you’ve been avoiding social outings because of your hearing, you must visit a hearing centre. A Hearing Aid Audiologist will ask you about your hearing problems and will examine your ears thoroughly. They’ll take a look at your outer ear and will see how you respond to different frequencies. Once the results are in, the hearing specialist will talk you through your options.

People sound like they are mumbling

Struggling to hear what people say is a clear sign of hearing loss. Our hearing tends to deteriorate with age, so you could have developed a problem without realising. If your friends sound quiet, muffled or unclear, it’s important to get checked out just in case you need a hearing aid. There are many discreet devices available in this day and age, so there’s no need to worry.

You withdraw from conversations

If you dread speaking to friends or relatives for fear of missing important parts of the conversation, you might have some form of hearing loss. Nerve damage can make exchanges difficult, so it’s important to get looked at. A Hearing Aid Audiologist will ask you questions about your lifestyle and will fit you with a hearing device that will suit your every need. Living in a quiet world can be lonely but a digital hearing aid can really help and should give you the confidence to socialize.

You always need to turn up the TV

Needing to turn up the volume on the television or radio could be a symptom of hearing loss. If you’re worried you’ve got the TV up too loud, or if your relatives complain about the noise, it’s important to visit a hearing centre. A hearing test is quick, hassle-free and confidential meaning you can talk privately to a hearing specialist. A significant number of people suffer from hearing loss, so don’t be embarrassed.

If you’re worried about your hearing, visit a Hearing Aid Audiologist today and discuss your problems. It’ll take a weight off your mind and you could enjoy a louder, brighter future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6827536

How to Find a Good Audiologist in New York City ?

Every individual should have their ears checked regularly by an audiologist to keep them in good health and prevent any kind of hearing problem. An audiologist in simple words can be described as a medical professional who specializes in the field of hearing diagnosis and treatments. It is the responsibility of an audiologist to determine any problem in the patient by administering various sound tests and suggest the right treatment if needed. There are various guidelines that can be followed in order to find a good audiologist. These are simple yet important steps that should always be taken into consideration that will help an individual find a good audiologist who can give cure patient from their hearing loss.

One way of finding a good audiologist is to consult family doctor and other known doctors to know about audiologists they are familiar with. It is always good to an audiologist who has been referred by someone rather than finding a new doctor whose credentials and abilities are unknown. The second technique that can be employed to find a good audiologist is to check with the insurance company and get a list of the doctors that have been listed with the company. The insurance provider can also help the individual locate all the audiologists in the area. For this it would be best to find an insurance officer in the near locality and ask for their help.

The third method for finding a good audiologist could be internet. Today all information is available on internet, all one needs to do is click the right links and find the desired information. Once can search on the internet, read blogs and visit websites that contains the list of audiologists along with their reviews, past work experience and their practice details. Though the information found on net can be really diverse and vast but it can be narrowed down by choosing only the audiologist that are located in the nearby area and have well past experiences.

For people who are not too comfortable with internet or do not have faith in the information available on websites can simple pick their local yellow pages and other phone directories to get information about all the doctors and the services provided by them. These audiologists can b contacted to know about the products, hearing aids and other services that are offered along and if they accept insurance plans or not. The one that sounds the best can be selected. Last but one of the best sources to gain information about good audiologists is to ask friends and other acquaintance. Those who are looking for an audiologist for their child can ask school nurse or other parents.

Finding an audiologist is not a difficult task but finding a good audiologist is not easy. He should be a reputed doctor with good reviews and have the government license to practice. An audiologist with good work experience and successful cases would be the most suitable person. Hearing problem can affect the health of an individual at any point in life thus it is important to have regular checkups done to identify any problems and find their solutions.

Margaret White is a medical correspondent based in Beverly Hills and covers medical issues. In a series of articles she will be covering problems associated with hearing loss and hearing aids. Her article is based on an interview with Warren Willard owner of Hearing ABC. You can take a Free Online Hearing Test [http://www.hearingabc.com] at Hearing ABC to check your audio perceptiveness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4497841

3 Things to Look for in an Audiologist

I never had to look for an audiologist before in my life. My hearing has always been pretty good, so when my mom’s hearing started to go, I had no idea what to do or where to turn.

However tricky it was on me, I can’t imagine how scary it must have been for mom, so I was happy to take on the burden of finding a doctor for her. I learned that these three things tend to be the most important when it comes to finding an audiologist.

1. Transparency

Honesty in pricing and services is of the utmost importance in an audiologist. The last thing you need is to find out later that you have a few dozen extra fees and fines to pay. While a medical professional can typically only give estimates up front, you can check online to find out if this or that audiologist has a reputation for fair and honest pricing.

Luckily, whenever an audiologist offers exceptionally inexpensive or exceptionally expensive service, you’re probably going to hear about it. Word travels fast within the medical community.

2. Professionalism

Professionalism is key for any audiologist just as it is for any medical professional. If you have an audiologist who keeps rescheduling and misses appointments, it’s time to find a new audiologist. Find an audiologist who is renowned for their courtesy and professional attitude as well as their abilities as an audiologist.

In order to make sure that the audiologist you’re dealing with is professional, you can arrange a meeting before you set up an appointment. When you first talk to an audiologist to get a quote and so on, you can simply get a feel for them and make sure that you think that they are trustworthy and capable of delivering good, professional service.

3. Recommendations

Personal recommendations are a great way to find a good audiologist. If you don’t have any friends who have been to the audiologist lately then you can always just check out the online reviews at sites like ePinions. These days it’s harder than ever to make it as a professional in any field if you don’t know what you’re doing as people will be reporting you to the internet minutes after they’ve received terrible service. Keeping an eye on the web is a good way to find a great audiologist.

At the end of the day it comes down to finding an audiologist that you’re comfortable with. One might have more qualifications than another, one might be cheaper than another, but the most important thing is your comfort level and getting the best service for you. This means personalized service, prices you can afford, and a professional, responsive attitude to your needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7233252

What are the Benefits of consulting an Audiologist ?

Audiologists are licensed professionals who are experts in the diagnosis and management of disorders related to your auditory and balance systems. There is a mistaken belief that hearing loss or problems with balance only occur in elderly people. The truth is these disorders can happen to anyone, from infants to seniors. The causes are diverse and numerous. Hearing loss should be closely monitored if you have a history of ongoing exposure to loud noises, ear infections, genetic hearing impairment, tinnitus, or head injury.

While looking for a qualified audiologist, don’t be afraid to ask them questions regarding their practice. You should seek a medical professional who is aware of the latest research and evaluative methods and who uses the latest technology. The days of clunky, old-fashioned hearing aids are out. There are hearing aids nowadays that fit the shape of your ears discreetly and provide comfort in addition to efficiency.

Hearing aids are not your only solution. You may also consider hearing rehabilitation, where you work with a professional on practicing speech, reading, and listening skills. Make sure that an audiologist can provide you with multiple choices for a long-lasting, effective remedy. You should not be limited to just one solution, and the best medical professionals will be able to cater to your lifestyle and offer you a comfortable plan.

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, “Hearing and balance disorders are complex with medical, psychological, physical, social, educational, and employment implications.” Therefore, these hearing professionals have the important task of minimizing any negative impact you might be experiencing. With the right provider, you could see dramatic changes in your quality of life.

There are two common disorders in this field. One is dizziness, and the other is tinnitus. Dizziness is when people experience vertigo, unsteadiness, lightheadedness, and spatial disorientation. It may seem like a simple spell of faintness, but it is important to determine the cause and to keep track of the symptoms so that an audiologist can properly evaluate you.

Tinnitus is when people experience a ringing sensation in their ears when there is no outside cause. This condition is often followed by hearing loss. Tinnitus could be caused by medications, age, noise exposure, allergies, head injury, or ear diseases. A medical professional can help you find relief and offer hearing protection if necessary.

According to How’s Your Hearing, there are three ways that hearing aids can help tinnitus. One, by improving your hearing and reducing stress from straining to hear. Two, by focusing on background sound to mask the tinnitus. And three, by stimulating your hearing nerves to increase effectiveness.

Whatever the case may be, do not hesitate to contact us to find a qualified and experienced audiologist in New York.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9396047

How to Find the Best Audiologist in New York City (NYC) ?

One of the most challenging things for the elderly population is losing normal sensory functions, such as their hearing and seeing. Even though most people will end up with a degree of vision loss and wind up using glasses for reading as they grow older, almost everyone struggles with some level of loss when it comes to their hearing.

The loss might only be mild to the point where it is hardly noticeable, but it could wind up hindering one’s everyday life. People with a severe loss of hearing will have trouble when it comes to carrying on a normal conversation and conducting their business in a normal situation socially, which might end up causing a poor quality of living and problems with personal relationships.

When you begin noticing that you are unable to hear conversations in the same way that you once were able to, or when a loved one is no longer able to respond to a sentence without the sentence being at an extremely loud volume, it is definitely time to make an appointment to see the audiologist. Audiologists are individuals who are extremely well-trained and full of knowledge about the workings of the ear and treating a loss of hearing.

There is an excellent chance that you have already seen one of these professionals, especially since most of the schools will do a check on children when they are only six or seven years of age. Before you begin making an appointment, it is imperative that you decide on one of the best audiologists. Do not just choose anyone when it comes to you and your loved one’s hearing abilities.

One of the best methods for finding a good ear doctor in NYC is to visit this site or to  to spend some time talking to the individual’s in your area who have dealt with a loss of hearing previously. These individuals will be able to give you the proper recommendations and tell you which offices should be avoided all together.

Sometimes you can go online and find reviews of all the professionals through Internet resources. Numerous places allow consumers to place their reviews on doctors, surgeons, pediatricians and even audiologists.

These sites help to give you plenty of helpful information about who you should be making your appointments with. The utmost important thing for you is actual communication with the audiologist you are planning to see. Make sure you are comfortable talking with the individual when it comes to your hearing problems. You need to feel comfortable answering all the questions the audiologist asks you without feeling that you need to hide the truth. If you feel as if you cannot be completely honest with the provider during your hearing examination, you will not be able to figure out how to properly fix your loss of hearing.

One other thing that you need to consider is avoiding going with an audiologist who pressures you into spending money on all the new devices on the market every time you come in to see them. There are times when those technological advancements are superior for those who are dealing with a loss of hearing, but there are other times, when the older style units will actually work better than the new ones, especially for those with a profound degree of hearing loss.

Even thought this might be true, some audiologists will try to pressure their clients into buying the top of the line units. Make sure that your audiologist is willing to listen to all of your needs and works within your budget, so this way you do not have to worry about dealing with any of these problems.

If you take the time to look through the various resources that are available for you to choose from, you will be amazed at what you can find when it comes to choosing the perfect audiologist. There are plenty of individuals out there who can help guide you along the way and make sure you have the proper care and treatment, but it is up to you to take advantage of the resources laid out for you. Otherwise, you might end up jumping on the first audiologist you find and end up with more problems than what it is worth. Don’t assume there are no options for you to choose from because in reality there are plenty of options just waiting for you to take the time to jump on them and find all the information that you need.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7257650

What to Expect on my First Visit to an Audiologist ?

When any hearing challenge presents itself, it is wise to seek the advice of an audiologist. Such problems may include (but are not limited to) ringing in the ear, a fuzziness of hearing, the inability to understand conversations on the phone, or a general difficulty deciphering the speech of those around you. It can be tough to admit that you are vulnerable; everyone wants to believe that they will hold on to their hearing forever. Don’t despair. Thanks to modern-day technology and a score of talented audiologists to choose from, you should soon be able to hear clearly again.

During your first visit to an audiologist, you can expect the following scenario:

– You will be asked to provide proof of insurance and will be given a questionnaire that includes queries regarding your medical history and more.

– Next, you will be examined with an otoscopy. This is a device that makes it possible for the audiologist to peer deep into your ear canal. A balance problem or mild hearing loss can be attributed to something as benign as excess wax in the ear.

– You will likely then undergo a tympanometry test. This test focuses on the middle ear. Don’t worry it doesn’t hurt! You may feel a bit of a pressure sensation, and you will hear some beeps. This test helps the audiologist gauge whether you have an infection or fluid in the ear.

– Another test you will undergo is one that involves earphones. You will be asked to listen to different pitches and to indicate when you hear a sound. This test is usually conducted in a soundproof booth.

– Bone conduction is a test that involves a vibrator placed behind the ear that indicates the softest sound that is heard when the inner ear is directly targeted.

– Hearing loss occurs in different places in the ear, and there are different diagnoses of hearing loss. These typically fall under three categories: conductive, sensorineural and mixed. Based on the test results, the audiologist may refer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist for further tests or recommend hearing aids to rectify the challenges you are facing.

If you are experiencing hearing challenges, a visit to an audiologist is a wonderful first step. Discover what is happening with your hearing and take steps to help yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3826423

What Testing Does an Audiologist Perform ?

Audiologists are hearing healthcare providers who test, diagnose, and treat hearing and balance related disorders. Holding either a masters or doctorate level degree in the field of audiology or communication science disorders, these professionals are well-equipped to help you with your hearing and balance. If you suspect you have decreased hearing sensitivity, changing hearing sensitivity, ringing or sound in the ear, dizziness or imbalance, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Your provider will probably have you complete a written questionnaire about your hearing, balance, and overall health that they will discuss with you. Be as honest as possible when discussing this. Your medical history may help to diagnose the issues you are having with your hearing or balance and can aid your provider in determining what testing is necessary to complete this diagnosis. A wide variety of evaluations can and may be completed determined by your needs.

Hearing tests may include:

  • Visual inspection of the outer ear and ear canal (otoscopy)
  • Middle ear pressure evaluation (tympanometry)
  • Objective evaluation of the cochlea (otoacoustic emissions)
  • Behavioral evaluation of hearing (pure-tone audiometry)
  • Objective evaluations of the auditory pathways (evoked potential evaluations)

Balance tests may include:

  • Objective evaluations of the auditory pathways (evoked potential evaluations)
  • Other vestibular (balance) evaluations
  • Electronystagmography (ENG) or Video Nystagmography (VNG)
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) evaluation
  • Rotational chair evaluation
  • Electrocochleography (ECochG)
  • Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)

Your hearing healthcare provider will also provide management for hearing loss and hearing related disorders. This may include prescription, orientation, and fitting of hearing aids and accessories, cochlear implant mapping and therapies, monitoring, conservation, and therapy. Therapy or recommendations for medical treatment of balance disorders will also be provided. Some issues may require further medical management outside the realm of audiology.

Audiologists are specially trained to not only evaluate, diagnose, and help you manage your hearing and balance issues, but to also listen and help you understand your options. It is important for you to understand your impairment. Do not be afraid to ask questions during and after your evaluations. You should never leave feeling as though you do not have a good grasp on the situation. Feel free to also share your feelings about the situation at hand. Your opinions and needs matter!

If you suspect that you or a family member are having hearing or balance difficulties, contact your provider today! You could be hearing and feeling better in no time. Why would you wait? Call now! Get the answers you are seeking today. Your audiologist will help you through this process of evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7174088

How to see if your Child needs to see an Audiologist ?

Hearing loss in children is a fairly large concern for many parents. There are several ways you can tell if your child is having a problem. Here are some signs that your child needs to see an audiologist:

1. A Baby Who is Not Startled at Sudden, Loud Noises

One sign that your child is having hearing problems is if they do not respond to any sudden noises, especially as an infant. Infants typically are startled by loud noises. Also, if a baby does not turn its head toward a noise, that could also indicate a hearing problem. If you notice these types of issues in your infant, you should get the child to an audiologist to be screened.

2. The Child’s Speech Seems Abnormal

As a child grows, their speech will gradually develop. Toddlers can often be difficult to understand at first, but they typically develop a recognizable vocabulary by age three. Children who have a problem hearing may not be able to speak properly, or they may not speak very much at all. Children at this age should at least be able to say things like “mama” or “dada.” If the child is not saying anything at all by age three, it is time to see a pediatrician to see what is going on. It could be related to hearing, or it could be something completely different. Either way, it is important to find out as soon as possible.

3. A Child Who is Regularly Inattentive

Children are often notorious for having a short attention span. It is not uncommon to have to redirect children several times throughout the day. However, if a child is inattentive throughout the entire day, it could indicate a hearing problem, especially if you have ruled out other issues like ADHD. An audiologist can run tests on the child to see what, if any, hearing loss the child may have.

4. The Child Does Not Respond to Volume Changes in Conversation

If you are having a conversation with your child and they fail to respond to changes in tone and volume, it could signal a problem. To test this theory, try to sit your child down and talk to them in a very focused way. Raise and lower your voice throughout the conversation. If the child doesn’t respond to you when you speak in a lower tone, it is time to see the audiologist. You may even want to video record yourself talking to your child to illustrate your concerns to the doctor.

An audiologist is the perfect person to take your child to if you suspect hearing loss. Be sure to see one who specializes in pediatrics. Once you have the problem diagnosed, you and your child can move forward with treatment that will greatly increase his or her quality of life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8797508

How to Know if I need a Hearing Aid ?

There are millions of people who could benefit from a hearing aid but have never seen an audiologist or discussed their partial hearing loss with their doctors. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, only one in five people who could improve their hearing through the use of hearing aids actually wears them.

You may also be surprised by the variety of people who have hearing loss. Although both sexes lose some level of hearing over time, men experience diminished hearing about 10 percent more often then women of the same age. Men are also less likely to see the doctor or get hearing aids.

It’s estimated that twenty-eight million Americans have some kind of hearing loss. That’s an impressive number, and many of them are individuals who are still in their thirties and forties. In fact, one out of twelve people have already become hearing impaired by the time they are thirty years old. As age increases so does the need for a hearing aid. Sixty-five percent of the people who would benefit from hearing aids are below retirement age, which can have a definite impact on their careers. By the time Americans are 75 years old, 45 percent of them have significant hearing loss.

The statistics are troubling. They indicate that millions of Americans who have some degree of hearing difficulty aren’t using hearing aids. With the newer sizes, styles and technologies now available, anyone who is bothered by even a small degree of hearing loss can be helped with customized hearing aids prescribed by licensed audiologists. Many people are surprised by the small size and unobtrusive appearance of their first hearing aid. Are you one of the millions of Americans who should consider a hearing aid ?

There are several signs to look for:

  • Others complain that you keep the television or radio volume too loud.
  • You find yourself asking others to repeat themselves in conversations.
  • You’re uncomfortable in crowds because you can’t distinguish the different parts of a conversation.
  • You hear better out of one ear than another.
  • People tell you to stop shouting when you’re engaged in a conversation
  • You find yourself straining to hear certain sounds that you used to be able hear easily.
  • You have ringing in the ears or a hissing sound that is a constant or intermittent background noise.
  • You are able to hear better if you are looking at a person directly and can see their lips moving.
  • You can’t hear high pitched sounds such as the high notes of a flute.
  • You no longer hear dripping faucets or other low volume sounds.

If you are experiencing any of the above problems, a hearing aid may help. Talk to your doctor about getting an appointment with an audiologist to have your hearing checked. The majority of people with partial hearing loss can use hearing aids to improve their hearing, and today’s models are better than ever. There is no reason to struggle with your hearing loss on a daily basis when a simple hearing aid can give you the pleasure of hearing clearly again.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3086505

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Hearing Aids, Hearing Solutions and Technology –  Different Types of Hearing Aids

Hearing loss can affect individuals at any age. Impaired auditory function may result from environmental conditions (such as working in a noisy environment), illness, or trauma to the head. In some cases, heredity is involved.

There are styles, sizes, and types of devices to suit many different needs, including a person’s anatomy or lifestyle.

Thankfully, the technology for hearing aids continues to advance, with new breakthroughs made every year.

  • Invisible Products

Designed for veterans and first-time hearing aid users, these devices are hidden from view. Custom fit to the ear’s shape, they rest comfortably inside the ear. Small in size, they utilize the latest in technology to amplify sound to a clear, audible level without drawing attention. They are easy to remove, and typically are ready to wear after just one visit to the audiologist.

  • In The Canal

An entire subset of devices sits in the ear canal. Receiver-in-canal models come in discreet designs and are easy to adjust. They work well for all levels of hearing loss, from mild to severe. Available in a variety of colors, they provide excellent sound clarity.

Completely-in-canal models are virtually undetectable. They work well for mild to moderate hearing loss and provide phenomenal sound quality. Standard in-canal models are visible but can be accessed easily. They also deliver top quality sound, including clear voices that stand out in almost any environment.

  • Behind The Ear

Hearing aids that are worn behind the ear work best for moderate to severe auditory impairment. They come in discreet designs that tuck behind the ear for privacy. Models have buttons or dials that are easy to use, and a variety of colors are available to suit your preference. This style is recognized for comfort and high performance.

  • In The Ear

Able to cover the entire range of impairment from mild to severe, these devices differ from most in-canal varieties because they rest in the outer, visible portion of the ear. They provide excellent sound quality even in noisy places, and they are easy to reach when you need to remove or adjust them. They let the wearer accurately distinguish speech during conversations.

  • Single Sided Hearing

This is a unique class of devices that works best for individuals who experience hearing loss in only one ear. These products decrease reverberations, thus balancing the normal auditory perception in one ear with the amplified sound in the other.

  • Made For the iPhone

For ease and convenience, these devices are designed to be compatible with your iPhone. Music and phone calls can be streamed from your phone directly to your hearing aids. They’re highly effective in eliminating buzzing and whistling. What’s more, they work great in noisy environments.

As you can see, many types of devices exist to suit your needs and tastes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9569209


  • https://ezinearticles.com/search/?q=audiologist&sort=new
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audiology
  • http://www.audiology.org/
  • http://www.asha.org/Students/Audiology/
  • http://www.howsyourhearing.org/whatisanaudiologist.html